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The Adapter’s Advantage Podcast: Episode 21 Featuring Harry Hoopis

Welcome to The Adapter’s Advantage: Breakthrough Moments that Lead to Success. In episode 21, Harry Hoopis, CEO of the Hoopis Performance Network and industry icon, shares insights on developing advisors, his formula for productivity and success, and the importance of listening.

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“We’re all basically lazy, right? So good habits are hard to form, but easy to live with. Bad habits are easy to form, hard to live with.” — Harry Hoopis

In addition to founding the Hoopis Performance Network (HPN), Hoopis is a renowned entrepreneur, industry leader, speaker, and author. HPN is an innovative sales training and leadership development resource for field leaders and advisors in financial services.

Over his 40 year career, he built one of the largest and most successful financial services firms in the world. Hoopis was awarded the Master Agency Award every year since its inception, received the Robert Templin Award for his many contributions to management development, and is the recipient of NAIFA Chicago’s Leadership in Life Award.

He is an inductee in the GAMA International Management Hall of Fame, served on the Board of Trustees for the GAMA International Foundation, and is past president of GAMA International as well as Northwestern Mutual’s General Agent’s Management Association.

Hoopis is an active member of two of the industry’s most elite study groups, the LIMRA Research Agencies Group and the General Agents Symposium.

He is also the author of the best-selling book, The Road to the Bountiful Life: Achieving Success in Financial Services, with all proceeds donated to the GAMA Foundation, and The Essentials of Management Development.

Successful sales organizations must adapt by showing flexibility and resilience in the face of today’s new challenges. Listen as Hoopis shares his insights on selecting, developing, and managing financial services talent.

Episode 21: Empowering Financial Professionals | Harry Hoopis

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From This Episode

Host Mark Magnacca: “Learning has been fundamental in your whole career. Where does this curiosity and desire to keep learning come from?”

Harry Hoopis: “You know, that’s an excellent question. I reflect on that often. When I was a very young man, I was able to go through a training program by Larry Wilson, called Counselor Selling. We were all given a small tent placard on our desks in our classroom. On the back it said, ‘He who stops getting better, ceases being good.” and that always resonated with me.

“I had that imprinted in my mind as a 22 or 23 year old. And in 1983, I created my mission statement. My mission statement said, ‘Our objective is to create an environment where people can grow, and continue to grow, personally, professionally and financially.’

“The most important words in that statement are ‘continue to grow.’ Second in importance is ‘personally’, because we have to develop the person. We have to be able to tap into the skills and then create an awareness of what it is that you do best. You know, don’t waste it.

“I always tell my kids, I expect all A’s or under. I want a ten in effort. And in order to do this, I don’t want you wasting time. Keep it simple, right? I don’t want you wasting your time trying to be a Latin major if you really want to go into mathematics. We want to identify those things and it was critically important that we were able to do that.”

About The Adapter’s Advantage

Our podcast features leaders from sales, training, and industry who share their personal journeys of transformation and how they are adapting to an ever-changing environment. As your host, I’ll introduce you to some of the most interesting and inspiring people I’ve met over the last twenty years.

The conversions dive into the ups and downs of their journey. Our guests focus on inflection points—the aha moments that, in retrospect, had a critical impact on their success. These interviews will leave you with practical, real-world advice that you can apply to your life.

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