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Our New Podcast Helps You Successfully Adapt to Change

introducing The Adapter's Advantage Podcast

I’m proud to introduce Allego’s new podcast! Adapter’s Advantage: Breakthrough Moments that Lead to Success features leaders from sales, training, and industry who share their personal journeys of transformation and how they’re adapting to an ever-changing world.

As your host, I focus on inflection points—the aha moments that, in retrospect, had a critical impact on our guests’ success. The interviews reveal the “story behind the story” and show how moments of informal learning and collaboration led to a breakthrough or new way of thinking.

These interviews are informative, inspirational, and based on real-world experiences that listeners can apply to their own lives. Anyone responsible for sales training, enablement, or learning and development can gain valuable insights to help themselves and their organizations adapt to this time of tremendous change. Adapting to change, and optimizing the advantage you get from doing it well, should be part of everyone’s short and long game today.

Learning from Leaders

Adapter’s Advantage is available on: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | TuneIn. We launch this week with three episodes featuring video interviews with some of the most accomplished and influential leaders I’ve come to know in the past twenty years.

Here’s a look at our first three episodes.

Episode 1: Expanding the Boundaries of What’s Possible | Adam Scully-Power

Endurance athlete and business leader Adam Scully-Power describes his transformational health journey from out-of-shape to ultramarathoner. On the cusp of 40, Adam was 50 pounds overweight and unable to run a mile without stopping. His desire to lose a few pounds led this investment executive, husband, and father of four to a new vocation as an endurance athlete. Adam has competed in some of the world’s most grueling events including 100-mile ultramarathons and the 556-mile Uberman ultratriathlon. Learn more about the six words that changed Adam’s life and the power of the affirmational nudge.

Listen and subscribe today: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | TuneIn

Episode 2: Using Technology to Get An Edge | Mike McGlothlin

Growth strategist Mike McGlothlin describes how financial advisors can adapt to the enormous challenges facing the industry and the growing needs of baby boomers. In five short years, the market will grow from one advisor for every 76 baby boomers to one for every 176. Advisors today need to shift their mindset to be more efficient, effective, and resilient. EVP Mike McGlothlin set his advisors up for success, adapted to a changing marketplace, and saw 300% growth.  Learn how his firm used technology to adapt and get an edge.

Listen and subscribe today: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | TuneIn

Episode 3: Integrating Emotional Intelligence Into Sales | Colleen Stanley

Sales leader Colleen Stanley, one of the top sales influencers of the 21st century, describes her transformation from “bull in the china shop” to passionate advocate for soft skills training. Soft skills set many of the best salespeople apart from their peers, yet most companies don’t vet for them and get clobbered when new hires don’t succeed. In an era of constant change, companies that integrate emotional intelligence into their sales and leadership training programs drive sustainable revenue. Learn from one of the foremost sales trainers how to have critical conversations and coach to improve EQ—personally and professionally.

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Don’t miss an episode! Listen and subscribe today: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | TuneIn

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