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Best Digital Sales Room Software Buyer’s Guide

top digital sales room software

I’m willing to bet you’re like me when it comes to buying something, whether it’s a new pair of boots or enterprise software. You want to go through the process on your own. You want to research the different options, read reviews, watch videos, and compare prices by yourself. Until you get to the point where you must talk with a salesperson.

Today’s B2B buyers are the same. They are digitally savvy and empowered. They research independently, engage across multiple channels, and expect a personalized, frictionless buying experience. This presents a significant challenge for sales teams that struggle to adapt to these evolving expectations.

Traditional selling methods they’ve relied on fall short in the digital era. Buyers are bombarded with information, making it difficult to capture their attention and build trust. To stand out and capture B2B buyers’ attention, sales reps need innovative technology that enables them to engage buyers in a meaningful way, provide personalized content, and track their progress throughout the buyer journey.

One such technology, Digital Sales Room software, has emerged as a game-changer, empowering sales teams to operate seamlessly in a virtual environment.

Digital Sales Room software transcends traditional sales models by creating personalized, interactive spaces where sellers and buyers can connect and collaborate throughout the entire buying cycle. This eliminates the need for scattered documents and emails, streamlining collaboration and providing sales teams with the resources they need to close more deals faster.

Create Digital Buyer Experiences with Digital Sales Rooms

Digital Sales Room TourTake a 2-Minute Tour of Allego Digital Sales Rooms to learn how you can reduce deal cycles by up to 50% and increase engagement by up to 20x.


You’re probably thinking, “That all sounds great, but what does Digital Sales Room software actually do? How will it help my sellers sell more? How does it speed up deals? What’s the best platform? How hard is it to implement?”

Those are all excellent and important questions. And we have the answers. This guide was designed specifically for sales managers and enablement leaders like you, providing a comprehensive overview of Digital Sales Room software, its benefits, and the key considerations for selecting and implementing the right solution for your team.

Continue reading and discover how Digital Sales Room software can empower your sales team to achieve unprecedented success in the digital age.

What Is Digital Sales Room Software?

Digital Sales Room software is a comprehensive and integrated platform designed to streamline and enhance the sales process in a virtual environment. The software enables organizations to create private microsites that allow a supplier and buying group to collaborate digitally throughout the customer journey. Digital Sales Rooms are personalized for each buyer, providing self-serve convenience and streamlining content sharing and collaboration to speed up deal cycles.

Think of it this way: A company website is a broad communication channel for any prospective buyer, and the marketing team controls it. A Digital Sales Room, on the other hand, is a targeted microsite created for a specific buying group, customized for those stakeholders and controlled by the sales rep.

Digital Sales Room features compared with website features, white text on black background

The original Digital Sales Room concept revolved around automating the sales process, such as responding to requests for proposals (RFPs), collecting signatures, and managing document workflows. Digital Sales Room software has since evolved to primarily help sellers sell.

Core features include the ability to centralize and personalize useful resources, including relevant sales collateral, contextual video messages, recorded web meetings and calls, asynchronous presentations, and confidential documents.

Digital Sales Rooms are personalized for each buyer, providing self-serve convenience and streamlining content sharing and collaboration to speed up deal cycles.

Recent Advancements in Digital Sales Room Software

The shift towards self-directed buyer research and the digitalization of the buying journey prompted Digital Sales Room software makers to reevaluate their offerings. Sellers recognized they need more sophisticated tools that can assist them in engaging today’s informed and independent buyers. They need dynamic, content-rich environments where they and their buyers can interact seamlessly.

To provide a modern virtual selling environment, Digital Sales Room providers began incorporating advanced features:

  • Access control models: These were created to ensure buyers receive personalized and relevant content while allowing sellers to control who can access the Digital Sales Room and to protect sensitive information
  • Templating and guided content filtering: This feature allows sellers to create tailored, branded experiences for buyers, ensuring the content within Digital Sales Rooms aligns with the buyer’s specific needs and interests.
  • The highlighting of key messages and automated reminders: With this feature, sellers can draw attention to critical information, guide the buyer’s journey, and keep the engagement on track.
  • Live chat: This functionality emerged as a valuable tool for real-time communication, fostering collaboration and enabling sellers to address buyer inquiries promptly while enabling buyers to share their own important files.

Why Is Digital Sales Room Software Important?

One of the foremost advantages of Digital Sales Room software lies in its ability to centralize and organize sales collateral, ensuring your sales team has quick and seamless access to the most up-to-date information. Gone are the days of sifting through numerous folders and files. With modern Digital Sales Room software, all essential documents, presentations, and multimedia resources are neatly cataloged and readily available, allowing your sales professionals to focus on what they do best: engaging with clients and closing deals.

Moreover, Digital Sales Room software serves as a powerful tool for enhancing collaboration among your go-to-market teams. By facilitating real-time collaboration and feedback, it transforms the sales process into a dynamic and efficient workflow. Go-to-market teams can collectively refine their strategies, share success stories, and learn from one another, fostering a culture of continuous improvement. This collaborative aspect not only streamlines internal communication, but it also contributes to the overall growth and knowledge-sharing within the organization, ultimately translating into increased productivity and sales success.

Top-performing companies have discovered the power of Digital Sales Rooms, and Gartner predicts even more will use them in the next few years. By 2026, the firm predicts 30% of B2B buying interactions will happen in Digital Sales Rooms. Vendors have taken notice of this trend, with 50% of enterprise sales technology in North America expected to include Digital Sales Rooms in their solutions, Gartner says.

Digital Sales Rooms position your company as a forward-thinking and tech-savvy partner in the eyes of your customers.

Beyond internal benefits, Digital Sales Room software plays a pivotal role in elevating the customer experience. By offering a visually appealing and user-friendly platform, it enables sales professionals to deliver engaging presentations and product demonstrations, capturing the client’s attention and interest.

Further, the interactive nature of these digital environments allows for personalized and tailored experiences, leaving a lasting impression on potential clients. In essence, the software becomes a catalyst for transforming sales interactions into engaging and memorable conversations, positioning your company as a forward-thinking and tech-savvy partner in the eyes of your customers.

Digital Sales Room Use Cases


Review of Top Digital Sales Room Software

Below are some of the top Digital Sales Room software platforms.


With Allego’s Digital Sales Rooms (DSRs), sellers can quickly create a convenient and unique buying experience for every sales scenario. Using intelligent templates equipped with recommended content, sellers can easily share relevant content and add a personal touch with video messages. The platform’s real-time chat and engagement tracking empower reps to elevate each touchpoint and stay informed for strategic follow-ups. With secure entry and access, DSRs provide the utmost security, even in highly regulated industries.


DealHub’s DealRoom provides a centralized hub for sales collateral, ensuring easy access to up-to-date materials. Features include collaborative tools, document tracking, and e-signatures. DealRoom integrates with leading CRMs and has engagement tracking so sellers can monitor buyer activity.


GetAccept provides a simple space where buyers and sellers can meet, collaborate, and negotiate. The platform has two components: the Deal Room, for first meetings and proposals, and the Contract Room, for proposal edits and deal signing.


Journey DXP’s Smart Rooms offer a personalized, private community for account teams to educate and collaborate with multiple stakeholders and decision-makers in an organization. Customers can access, view, and share content with colleagues and buying teams. The platform is fully native to Salesforce.


Trumpet’s Digital Sales Room software lets you quickly create a personalized, trackable, and interactive space that can handle nearly every customer interaction. Sales reps build the digital rooms, which Trumpet calls pods, using no-code widgets (About us, Pricing, Testimonials, etc.) to customize the sales experience.

Features to Look for in the Best Digital Sales Room Software

In addition to the advanced features found in modern Digital Sales Room software, the tool you implement should have these properties:

User-Friendliness and Usability

To ensure adoption, Digital Sales Room software must be user-friendly. If the software is complicated and hard to use, your sellers will abandon it—and you’ll end up with an expensive tool just sitting on the shelf collecting dust. Sellers should be able to answer a handful of questions to automatically deploy a well-organized and professional-looking microsite containing the right content at their fingertips for every sales interaction. Look for software that uses generative AI to automatically pull in content based on the selling scenario.

Customizable Content

For Digital Sales Rooms to be effective, sellers must be able to customize each room to meet each buying team’s needs. This includes incorporating the buyer’s logo and colors and filling the room with content specific to their challenges and requirements. It’s essential, therefore, that the Digital Sales Room connects to your sales content management system. You also want to provide the right content (in a progressive reveal) over time to avoid overwhelming the buyer with too much information. Tools powered by generative AI will make that process easier and faster.

Analytics and Tracking

One of the standout features of Digital Sales Rooms is their ability to automatically monitor and track buyer engagement. As you research Digital Sales Room software, ensure the tool you select can send sales reps real-time alerts when viewers open shared material.

You also want to make sure the software generates detailed reports that showcase metrics such as the number of views and repeat visits, portions viewed (videos and documents), downloads, forwards, and link clicks. This wealth of information empowers sellers with data-driven decision-making, enabling them to tailor their engagements based on buyer interactions and optimize their approach to selling.

Secure Virtual Environment

In the world of B2B transactions, security is paramount. The Digital Sales Room software you select must provide a secure environment for the exchange of sensitive information. Ensure that only content pre-approved for external sharing can be added to Digital Sales Rooms, and that the software has flexible models controlling who can approve content. The software should also have robust and flexible access controls, so sellers can choose who can access the digital room.

How to Choose the Best Digital Sales Room Software for Your Business

Purchasing Digital Sales Room software is a significant investment, so it’s crucial that you carefully consider several factors, including your business needs, budget, and the product’s scalability.

Understanding Your Business Needs

As you evaluate your business needs for Digital Sales Rooms, you want to assess the following:

1. Sales process and workflow:

  • Analyze your current sales process to identify any bottlenecks, pain points, and areas for improvement.
  • Map your sales workflow. Be sure to include key stages, touchpoints, and roles involved in closing deals.
  • Determine existing sales tools and check for compatibility and potential integration with the Digital Sales Room software.

2. Content needs and management:

  • Identify the type of content you share with buyers, e.g. sales decks, proposals, case studies, and white papers.
  • Assess your content creation and management process.
  • Consider the need for personalized content delivery.
  • Decide if you need to access Digital Sales Rooms and content via a dedicated mobile app.

3. Collaboration and communication:

  • Evaluate the need for real-time collaboration between sellers and buying teams.
  • Consider communication channels you need, e.g. chat, video conferencing, and document annotation features.
  • Assess the need for secure customer portals for sharing information and documents with buyers.

4. Analytics and reporting:

  • Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) to track, such as content engagement and deal conversion rates.
  • Consider the need for comprehensive reporting: Analyzing team performance, identifying trends, and optimizing sales strategy.
  • Evaluate the data integration capabilities. For example, do you need your Digital Sales Rooms to connect with your existing CRM and/or to marketing automation platforms?

5. Security and compliance:

  • Assess data security requirements. Does the software have data encryption, access control, and compliance with relevant regulations?
  • Consider the need for user authentication, such as single sign-on, multi-factor authentication, and role-based access control.
  • Evaluate the platform’s disaster recovery and backup capabilities. Will you be able to access your Digital Sales Rooms, content, and data should the software provider experience a disaster?

Evaluating Your Budget

Choosing the right Digital Sales Room software requires careful consideration of your budget. Several cost factors come into play, including software licensing, implementation, training, integrations, storage, data usage, and support and maintenance. Each factor can significantly impact your overall investment.

To estimate your budget effectively, identify essential features and functionalities aligned with your business needs, goals, impact on sales performance, and expected return on investment (ROI). Consider the long-term value of the Digital Sales Room software over short-term savings and weigh the potential cost of inaction against the expected benefits. Quantify the anticipated increase in sales productivity, improved win rates, and reduced sales cycle time to demonstrate the software’s value to stakeholders.

Then, consider the number of users, projected growth, implementation complexity, training needs, and potential integration costs. Research and compare pricing plans from different vendors, including subscription models like Software as a Service (SaaS) that spread the cost over time.

While stand-alone Digital Sales Room software is available, it’s often complicated and costly to add it to your current tech stack. Instead look for a vendor that offers a full suite of software. With Allego, for example, you can consolidate seven revenue enablement tools into one and save 30% on SaaS spend. Plus, using a single comprehensive suite reduces clutter and eliminates the need to switch between multiple tools, eliminating sales rep frustration and improving productivity.

You will likely be asked to justify the expense and explain how your sales team will benefit from Digital Sales Room software. Prepare for that by conducting a strong cost-benefit analysis that highlights the competitive advantage the business will gain by implementing the technology. You should also gather input from key stakeholders in your sales organization and benchmark your budget against industry averages and competitor spending.

Considering Scalability and Flexibility

When selecting your Digital Sales Room software, scalability must be a top priority. Your business is a living entity, and its needs will inevitably evolve. By choosing software that can grow alongside your organization, you will ensure continued success and you will avoid the costly need to migrate to another platform later.

Several key issues require careful consideration when evaluating scalability:

  • User growth: Will the software accommodate an expanding sales team without performance degradation? Can you easily add or remove users as needed?
  • Data volume: Can the software handle increasing amounts of content and data without becoming sluggish or exceeding storage limits?
  • Integration flexibility: Can the software easily integrate with new marketing and sales tools as your technology stack evolves?
  • Feature availability: Does the software offer features for advanced sales workflows and complex deals as your business matures?
  • API access: Does the software provide robust application programming interfaces (APIs) for custom integrations and future-proofing your solution?
  • Vendor support: Does the software vendor have a proven track record of supporting customers through growth phases and providing timely updates and enhancements?

By thoroughly examining the above issues, you can choose a Digital Sales Room solution that scales seamlessly with your business, empowering your sales team to achieve peak performance now and in the future.

Integrating the Best Digital Sales Room Software into Your Business

Once you decide on a Digital Sales Room platform, then you must implement it. Below are steps to follow and issues to consider while implementing.

Steps to Implement Top Digital Sales Room Software

Step 1: Project Planning and Setup

  • Define Project Scope: Clearly outline goals, deliverables, timelines, and responsibilities for all stakeholders.
  • Gather Requirements: Identify user needs, software configurations, and integration points with existing systems.
  • Choose Implementation Team: Assemble a team with expertise in sales, technology, and project management.

Step 2: Data Migration and Content Management

  • Prepare Existing Data: Identify and organize sales materials, presentations, and other content for migration.
  • Import Data: Migrate existing data into the new software platform, ensuring accuracy and completeness.
  • Design Content Library: Organize and categorize content within the platform for easy access and searchability.

Step 3: User Training and Adoption

  • Develop Training Materials: Create comprehensive training modules covering software functionalities, best practices, and troubleshooting.
  • Conduct Training Sessions: Provide hands-on training for sales team members on how to use the platform effectively.
  • Gather Feedback and Address Concerns: Actively solicit feedback from users and address any challenges or questions during the adoption phase.

Step 4: Customization and Configuration

  • Configure Platform Settings: Tailor the platform to your specific sales process and workflow.
  • Brand and Personalize: Customize the user interface with logos, colors, and branding elements for a unified experience.
  • Set Up Integrations: Connect the platform with existing CRM, marketing automation, and other relevant tools.

Step 5: Launch and Ongoing Support

  • Launch Pilot Program: Begin with a small group of users to test the software in a real-world environment.
  • Gather Pilot Feedback: Collect feedback from pilot users to identify areas for improvement and refinement.
  • Launch to Wider Team: Roll out the software to all sales team members and provide ongoing support and assistance.

Step 6: Monitor and Analyze Performance

  • Track KPIs: Monitor metrics such as content engagement, sales activity, and win rates.
  • Analyze Data and Identify Trends: Use insights from the data to optimize content, workflows, and platform usage.
  • Continuously Improve: Adapt and refine your approach based on data-driven insights and evolving needs.

Considerations While Implementing Digital Sales Room Software

Beyond the core steps, several other factors deserve careful consideration when implementing Digital Sales Room software:

Use Digital Sales Room Resources: Utilize digital sales room resources to ensure the maximum potential of the digital sales room software is reached.

Change Management: Implement a comprehensive change management strategy to ensure user buy-in, manage expectations, and facilitate a smooth transition to the new platform.

Security and Compliance: Prioritize data security by implementing robust access controls and backup protocols.

Accessibility and Usability: Design user-friendly and accessible Digital Sales Rooms that cater to diverse learning styles and offer multiple content formats.

Content Strategy and Governance: Develop a clear content strategy and establish governance processes for content creation, approval, maintenance, and performance tracking.

Vendor Support and Maintenance: Secure reliable vendor support with clearly defined terms, dedicated communication channels, and a plan for ongoing maintenance and updates. 

Integration with Existing Systems: Carefully map data flows, test integrations thoroughly, and monitor their performance to ensure seamless data exchange and consistency. 

Digital Sales Rooms Give Sales Teams a Competitive Edge

In today’s fast-paced, digital-first world, the traditional sales approach is no longer enough. Buyers are more informed than ever and expect a personalized, engaging experience. This is where Digital Sales Room software shines. By creating a centralized and secure microsite for all your sales deal materials, presentations, and communication, you can provide a seamless experience for your buyers, allowing them to access the information they need at their own pace and on their own terms.

This leads to a deeper understanding of your value proposition, fosters trust, and ultimately, accelerates the sales cycle. In a competitive market, Digital Sales Room software is the key to staying ahead of the curve and closing more deals.

Create Digital Buyer Experiences with Digital Sales Rooms

Digital Sales Room TourTake a 2-Minute Tour of Allego Digital Sales Rooms to learn how you can reduce deal cycles by up to 50% and increase engagement by up to 20x.

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