AI-powered Approaches to Onboarding and Coaching

The world of learning technologies is moving faster than ever. Advancements in conversation intelligence, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are supercharging learning and development (L&D) efforts across industries. And companies who can’t harness the power of these technologies risk being left behind.

Are your onboarding and coaching processes keeping pace?

Join this complimentary Training Industry webinar, sponsored by Allego, to hear from marketing power-duo Jonathan Carlson and Jake Miller’s take on how emerging technologies are changing the game for onboarding, training, product launches and coaching alike.

You will also learn how to:

  • Integrate next-generation conversation intelligence into training and coaching.
  • Scale coaching with AI-powered virtual coaches.
  • Provide real-time insights that enable sales agility.
  • Maintain human-to-human connection at scale — no matter how distributed your team is.
  • Leverage intelligent recommendations for improved results.