
Adapter’s Advantage: Episode 15

Jon Tota, Entrepreneur and Podcaster


Corporate training must be more agile to meet the demands of a new generation of employees. Technology is evolving to give learners choices and create a better workforce. Entrepreneur, producer, and podcast host Jon Tota discusses the pros and cons of user-generated content, insights for improving user adoption, just-in-time training, and how AI will drive the next generation of learning solutions.

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Narrator  (00:01):

Welcome to Adapter’s Advantage, breakthrough moments that lead to success. Our podcast brings you insider stories of the moments that mattered, turning points on the sometimes rocky road to success. Here’s your host, Mark Magnacca, president and co-founder of Allego, the workforce training and readiness platform built for distributed teams.

Mark Magnacca (00:24):

Hi, I’m Mark Magnacca. Today, my guest is Jon Tota. Jon began his career in the financial services business as a technology trainer for a firm called PaineWebber and UBS, before co-founding Edulence in 2002 and creating Knowledgelink, which is one of the first subscription-based online training services. Under Jon’s leadership, the team at Edulence innovated the LMS model and scaled Knowledgelink to serve several hundred thousand users in multiple different verticals.

In 2020, Edulence was acquired by eLearning Brothers to make Knowledgelink the LXP platform for one of the most trusted brands in the learning and development space. Jon now leads LXP product design for the company and serves as a thought leader and educator, learning experience design and video learning strategies. Jon, welcome to the Adapter’s Advantage podcast.

Jon Tota (01:22):

Mark, thank you for having me. It’s great to be here.

Mark Magnacca (01:25):

Well, there’s so much to cover, but let’s start off just with all that I’ve described in your introduction there. How do you answer the question when you meet someone for the first time and they say, “Jon Tota, what do you do?”

Jon Tota (01:39):

For the bulk of my career when I look back on it, I’ve really served this role as a business analyst. I think that’s probably the truest form of what I’ve been over these years, is working between our clients, the users of our application and our engineering team to make sure that we were always innovating the product, moving it in a direction that would serve the clients the best way possible. I was never an engineer myself. I didn’t code and build the application.

I always did a little bit of sales, but I really spent most of my time in that role of working between our customers and the product team and really making sure that we were meeting all their requirements along the way. Today, that’s morphed a little bit in my new role where I’m essentially like a product advocate where I’m working with the sales team and the customer success team. Making sure that they are explaining the vision for the product the right way and helping educate our customers so they know how to use it.

Mark Magnacca (02:37):

Jon, as I’ve gotten to know you, as I listen to that answer, two words that would come to mind as I would call out what I’ll call your unique ability, it’s synthesizing and translation. I know one of the things that’s so critical in the financial services industry, in particular in the life insurance space, where I know Edulence really was focused, is this capacity to understand the needs of what someone in financial service is trying to say. Then being able to translate that over from a technical specification standpoint. Sometimes there’s a big gap in that arena.

One of the things that I want to start with regarding Edulence was that you were one of the first online video training platforms, which is obviously something of great interest to me. Coincidentally, for our listeners, you and I were working in a parallel universe. You were in the life insurance industry and working with some of the same clients that I was working with in a slightly different capacity. My question is, what caused you to start in that industry and build this company, Edulence? Then, what was the biggest lesson you learned from growing that company?

Jon Tota (03:51):

Yeah. It’s fun looking back now at the genesis of Edulence and how we got started. As you were saying, I started in financial services. I was actually … Out of school I wanted to be a screenwriter. I started writing and waiting tables. My family was all on Wall Street, and my father kept saying, “When are you coming? When are you coming?” At some point you got to come to Wall Street, right? You can’t stay away for too long. When I realized that my writing career wasn’t taking off, I took a job with my dad at PaineWebber, but I didn’t want to be on the sales side.

I didn’t want to be a stock broker, and this was back in the mid-90s. I said, “But I love technology.” I’d never really been trained in it, but I would love to learn. Back then, the technology was all LAN and WAN networking because nothing was internet-powered. At that time, it was really all mainframe technology, and I was fascinated by it. I loved that aspect of helping advisors leverage the technology and use it to create efficiencies in their business model. Then for me, I was always on the investment side of the business coming from PaineWebber.

I’d met my co-founder at the time who his whole family was in life insurance, so he knew the life insurance business inside and out. He was building local networks for stockbrokers in my office. I met him there and he said, “Hey man, when you’re ready to leave your dad, why don’t you come and partner up with me and we’ll start doing computer consulting together.” I did that a couple of years later and we started building networks for … My space was building it for independent brokerage firms and at that time it was a lot of day trading operations because I knew all of the Bloomberg systems and First Call and Reuters.

I would put those systems in and he was working on the life insurance side, building local networks for insurance agencies. Yeah. I really started to get more focused on the life insurance space, even though that was really my partner’s field because they just had a much greater emphasis on education. We spent so much of our time teaching people how to use the technology and educating them. That was always … In the life insurance side, as you know, education was their upper hand.

Mark Magnacca (06:20):


Jon Tota (06:20):

They wanted to get more educated, and on the investment side, it was all about recruiting. How can we recruit more brokers and get more brokers in the door? For us, at Edulence we really focused more moving in that direction. I mean, we were originally a technology training company before Edulence and then we started Edulence back in 2002, as you mentioned. We were doing a lot … I know you too, a lot with Guardian Life Insurance. They were one of our first clients. Working for agencies and for the company directly.

I remember back in, I think it was probably 2000/2001, the CIO at Guardian said, “We love what you guys are doing with adoption training for client relation managers.” At the time it was specifically easy data that they were using. My partner was brilliant with adoption strategies and it was two of us that could do it. We couldn’t handle a national contract and so we decided … I said I was a screenwriter and I studied video production in school. I said to my partner, “Well, listen, you have all this great knowledge.

Let’s go in the back of our office and I will put you on a green screen and we’ll shoot a bunch of videos and you don’t have to leave the office.” And we-

Mark Magnacca (07:37):

Like what we’re doing right now.

Jon Tota (07:39):

I know, right?

Mark Magnacca (07:40):

All these years later.

Jon Tota (07:41):

I was like … But back then you had to burn them on to CD-ROMs, or it might’ve been DVDs at that time. I think it still might’ve been CD-ROM based training. I said, “We’ll burn them onto CD-ROMs, and then sell them back to the insurance companies.” Well, then we started looking at the numbers it would have cost to burn all those disks and ship them. At that time we had this crazy idea of saying, “Well, it’d be much cheaper if we just put it online and we just let these guys watch it through the internet.”

Which now you’re talking about 2002 when we started building this. Not a good idea at all. The internet was not ready. Yeah. I remember those early days of showing it to insurance companies, they loved the training. They loved the idea, but man, it just rebuffered and rebuffered while you were sweating through the whole demo. I’m like, “No, it’ll catch back up. It’ll come back.” Yeah. That was the early stages for us.

Mark Magnacca (08:35):

What’s the big thing you learned going from that startup as the company matured as it relates to the learning process?

Jon Tota (08:44):

I think about this a lot because as you know, we just recently closed on the acquisition of the company. I think for us, if you look back, we pivoted the entire application at least three, maybe four major times. It was really looking at our clients. Again, going back to me being a business analyst by trade, looking at our clients the way they wanted to use the technology, where the shortcomings were. Really, I think our willingness to throw away one version of the application and rebuild from scratch, sometimes overlapping at pretty substantial cost.

Building a new version that was making no money for us while everyone was still on the old one, but knowing that you just had to throw away the old version and jump. We went to a full cloud-based SaaS model long before any of these large companies were comfortable with it, but we knew that it was just the only cost-effective way for us to keep moving everybody forward, rather than building a custom solution for one company and then rebuilding it and rebuilding it.

Yeah. I think just that willingness to listen to customers and be open to changing the application pretty dramatically when we needed to.

Mark Magnacca (10:00):

Jon, that’s such a great example, as you were saying, and I couldn’t help, but think about watching Marc Randolph, who’s one of the co-founders with Reed Hastings of Netflix, talk about the same thing, where they had built up this infrastructure around the DVD business. They’d learned so much about the U.S. mail, right? I don’t know if you remember, but at one point they actually broke it into two services, the DVD, and that was a disaster, right?

Jon Tota (10:24):

Yeah. Yeah.

Mark Magnacca (10:25):

What I’m hearing in what you’re saying, which is so highly correlated with successful entrepreneurs, and part of the reason we call this Adapter’s Advantage, is that notion of adaptability. Of not taking it personally, because the thing that you’re working on, you’re realizing it’s obsolete or it’s going to be obsolete before everyone else does. Rather than wait until your customers are telling you that, you’re getting ahead of it.

They may not be ready for cloud-based SaaS software yet, but the fact that you’re moving in that direction and staying ahead of them, that’s a big part of the leadership, confidence and direction that entrepreneurs bring to the equation. I think it’s often missed. It takes a lot of innovation for Steve Jobs to be able to say, “Oh, the whole world loves this thing called Blackberry.” They love those little keys and no one’s complaining about it. No one’s saying, “I hate this.”

Still, he’s saying, “Yeah, but there’s got to be a better way to do this without having to type.” Let’s talk about your new company though, Syntax + Motion, because in classic entrepreneurial fashion, there’s no moss that’s been growing here. You just literally sold the last company. When did you start Syntax + Motion?

Jon Tota (11:40):

Yeah. We started that back in 2016, but really under the same umbrella. Edulence from the beginning, we really funded the development of the Knowledgelink application with custom work because the subscription product wasn’t generating enough revenue from the beginning. We would build custom applications. We would produce custom online courses, video production. We’d do that for all of our large clients while we were building up the subscriber base.

Over time that subscriber base in Knowledgelink became significant enough that it covered all the costs and we didn’t need to do all the production work anymore, but I loved it. I came from a production background. I was a writer. Originally I always wanted to be a screenwriter. Just out of the joy of it, I always wanted to produce content. Also, as the application scaled, as you know, the creative side goes out the door a little bit in your product when you scale your user base so large that all of the feature requests are coming from your user population.

Your great idea you come up with in the middle of the night, doesn’t actually make it into the pipeline.

Mark Magnacca (12:57):

Yes. I know that feeling.

Jon Tota (12:59):

I know. They look at you like you’re crazy. I said, “I want to get back to producing content.” I always loved doing it. I had an eye on … We had raised money. We’d done just a private round of friends and family round when we originally got started. We had always had the plan that there needed to be an exit at some point for Knowledgelink. What investors were really interested in was the software, the subscription software side of the business.

I started to build … In a lot of ways, Syntax + Motion was my exit plan, is that I knew that I wanted to get into production, developing content and also separating that from the-

Mark Magnacca (12:59):

I got ya.

Jon Tota (13:37):

… the subscription side of the business. Started it while I was still running Edulence, but really Edulence was my priority and the main driver of everything, but knowing that we wanted to develop original content, we wanted to build more online courses and do some thought leadership as well. So Syntax + Motion … And then the name was really from everything that we do is a combination of code on the web and video. Syntax for code and motion for video.

Mark Magnacca (14:09):

Got it.

Jon Tota (14:09):

It’s the combination of what our expertise is. Yeah. Now, Syntax + Motion, we produce online courses for thought leaders, experts, training companies who want to build courses and sell them to large companies, which has always been our niche. We produce quite a bit of our own original content, which for me, is my passion play. Getting back to my roots as a screenwriter.

Mark Magnacca (14:37):

The screenwriting is going to happen, right?

Jon Tota (14:39):

One way or another, man. It’s like-

Mark Magnacca (14:42):

Yeah. We’re going to get to that because you’re doing some cool, original stuff. I do want to ask though, Jon, in this post-pandemic era that we’ll call this period of time, I’ve got to imagine that there are more and more people who are realizing that they need some help to do exactly what you’ve described, particularly at larger companies.

Jon Tota (15:04):

Yeah. What we’ve really seen now … And I’m seeing [inaudible 00:15:08] eLearning Brothers acquired Knowledgelink and so I’m still working with them. You’ve seen the interest in platforms like Knowledgelink has obviously gone through the roof. I’m sure you’re seeing it with your product as well. Companies who were on the fence, “Well, we got to do this at some point, but we only have a couple of hundred people, not a couple thousand, so we can get by.” Now, they’re realizing that even if you had 50 people, you need a virtual learning platform in one form or another.

The thing that I’ve noticed, and this plays to where the space we’re in now, is that the people who didn’t develop content are in a tough spot right now, because it’s difficult to go into a studio and shoot video or to have a crew come on site into your location and produce video. The people who had the foresight to produce content, they may not have released it yet, but they’re very happy that they actually produced content, they’re ahead of the game. Quite a bit of the content that we’re producing now is audio-based.

We do a lot of podcast productions, scripted audio fiction, voiceover work with screen simulations, because right now, that’s the kind of content people can easily create. I love what you can do with audio, because you can create a really immersive experience with the technology today that you couldn’t do even a few years ago.

Mark Magnacca (16:34):

Yeah. In particular, I want to ask you about that. I’m going to come back to some of the original program you have and the unique elements, really the auditory unique elements because there may be some applications for that concept with some of our listeners. Before I do that, I want to talk about an article that you wrote recently in Training Magazine. It was just about the concept of just-in-time learning, which is a concept near and dear for me, because it’s really a fundamental precept within our whole framework.

One of the things you talked about in the article, Jon, was this notion of the problem with what I’ll call traditional mandatory based training versus the notion of giving people choices. Can you describe why is it that this notion of giving people options and choices versus the mandatory model is so important today?

Jon Tota (17:29):

Yeah. I just gave a … This is my current talk that I do now in the industry. I just gave it. As I was preparing, I realized that for the last three years, I’ve been giving this talk with National Speakers Association and in the training industry, talking about the skill set economy. My concept with that was that we built our LMS business, and like everybody, on this idea that it was all about managing content. It was really administrator-driven and it was this new world. We got into it.

Everyone said, “Well, we have everything on disk or we have it on VHS tapes or in some physical format and we need to manage it when we deliver it online and make sure it’s being reported on, and then it’s compliant because we’re in financial services even more so.” Then time has just evolved. Technology has come to a whole new level and this generation wants to participate more in the content. I was giving this talk for years now, not knowing that it was the direction everyone was going with this whole learning experience model.

The skill set economy for me was that if you can show a new hire or any employee at your company, that there’s a specific learning path for them, that’s going to move them forward on their career track to get them where they want to be professionally and personally, then they’re going to electively jump in and engage with that content. You don’t need to manage it. You don’t need to require it, enroll them in it and force them through that path.

They’re going to want to do it because it’s moving them along on the path that they want for their career. When I-

Mark Magnacca (19:12):

That in and of itself, Jon, is a paradigm shift in many HR departments around the country, around the world for that matter.

Jon Tota (19:19):

Yes. Now it’s the buzz of LXP, but that’s just marketing buzz in a lot of ways. The idea of just saying that people want to have ownership in their career direction. They want to know, particularly this generation, they’re pretty savvy and they know their LinkedIn profile is their resume. I had one of my young employees in the new company, I asked her. She was right out of school, 22 years old. I said, “What do you want to get out of your job? What are you looking for?”

She’s like, “I want to be known as an expert on LinkedIn.” I thought, “Wow, that’s interesting.” What can we do to move you along?” All that you’re doing with the technology now is saying, “Okay. How can we evolve the technology so that the individual knows that they have some say in that path and that they will electively move through it?” Again, it goes back to my roots. I always was an adoption trainer. Everything for me is about, how do you drive technology adoption?

How do you get people to want to do online training and not be forced to do it? That’s the essence of user adoption. Yeah. That’s, to me, the genesis of all that. Obviously it’s morphed quite a bit with new technology today.

Mark Magnacca (20:30):

Well, as you’re talking about that, Jon, I’m thinking about the show that I’m sure you’ve seen called The Social Dilemma on Netflix. What I’m realizing is that everything you just described is almost a natural process. It’s really the way, in the early days of YouTube it evolved and you were interested in the topic and in many ways it was a useful. I know for myself, it was super useful that Amazon said, “Oh, Mark, you liked this book by Malcolm Gladwell. You might like this other book by Malcolm Gladwell.”

I ended up buying the book, because I said, “Yeah, I do. This is terrific stuff.” What I recognize is that in the learning world that there wasn’t a lot of that going on. Now I think what’s happened in the social media thing, it’s gone so far the other way that it’s like everything’s being tuned all the time. Not necessarily for you to develop as an employee, or for you to develop as a person, but simply to get your eyeballs engaged to look at ads, right?

Which coincidentally is really what the television model was 50 years before that. It was the same thing without AI tuning it in the background.

Jon Tota (21:40):

Yeah. I think when you look at learning, our space of learning specifically, this is the danger that starts to enter into this model, is that you are creating a model that can create even more noise, because now you’re saying, “Okay. Now this elective path, let’s take it one step further and allow people to modify the path, to curate content, to bring it in from the outside into an internal system and evolve it.”

I think that’s where there’s got to be some boundaries and there’s got to be some structure to it because all of a sudden this can create as much noise as you start to see online in a lot of ways it, and it becomes a detractor as much as it originally was the real adoption driver.

Mark Magnacca (22:27):

Exactly. You talked about the real goal of corporate training is to create a better workforce, where I was going with that is that I believe that can only really happen if you can keep people learning and coming back for more, because they want to come back for more. I think a lot of people don’t realize that the job that you described of being in the business of driving adoption, people don’t realize that’s a thing that you need people to think about.

My question is, what’s the biggest thing you’ve learned as it relates to getting, I’ll use the word salespeople in general, to be interested in the content so that they want to come back and learn more?

Jon Tota (23:11):

I would say even before all of this talk today, which is about people saying, “Okay. A learner is going to want to contribute to the learning path. They’re going to want to pull stuff in from the outside and add to a learning path.” I think that’s still a work in progress. There’s not enough data on that to see that people are really going to engage. It’s a nice theory that a user is going to say, “Wow, I want to grab stuff from TED or from some blog post and add it to the learning path.”

I think it’s a nice theory. I don’t know that it’s truly been tested that people are going to do that. Now, I’ve been running learning programs, applications for 20 plus years for insurance companies, banks and investment firms, for financial advisors. I would say largely, they don’t want to do that. They expect that the training department is going to do that. That’s why we pay them all that money to find the right stuff for us. I think the training departments like to some extent to control it, to have some boundaries on it.

I think that where we have to go from an adoption perspective, is that … I always come back and say it’s really about making it part of in the flow of work. I think that’s a little bit … That just-in-time training article, it’s a little bit about that too, is that for me, it’s got to also be just-in-time training in the flow of work and specifically designed at the right moment to be what they need. Traditionally, one of our largest clients had this Hoopis Performance Network, which you probably know from-

Mark Magnacca (24:50):

Sure. I do.

Jon Tota (24:52):

They’ve been on-

Mark Magnacca (24:52):

Harry Hoopis, right?

Jon Tota (24:53):

Yeah. Harry. Harry was one of our … I think he might’ve been the second community on Knowledgelink. They’ve been on the platform for a really long time. From the very beginning, Harry created this session called Phone Buddy, which was essentially just these little post-its that in a session … It was little post-its that you click on them and it was objection handling for an insurance agent that they could pull up on their phone while they were either doing a call or waiting to go into a call.

Click on the objection, it would flip over and show you how to handle it, right? Just old school objection handling. You would have done it on flashcards before, right?

Mark Magnacca (25:29):

Sure. But using technology to scale it.

Jon Tota (25:31):

Right, and doing it inside of a platform. Even a year ago, I ran a report. Now, that session, that Phone Buddy that was Harry’s brain child that I always made fun of because I’m like, “Aw, man, the Phone Buddy, who’s going to use that?” It is still in the top … Now there are 70,000/80,000 courses in Knowledgelink. It’s still in the top 10 every month.

Mark Magnacca (25:54):

Wow. Wow, now-

Jon Tota (25:55):

People love it.

Mark Magnacca (25:56):

Jon, to me, you just hit the nail on the head. I didn’t know that piece. I knew that Hoopis had used your platform. I didn’t know that it was in the top 10 of 70,000 courses. It’s not surprising to me. For our listeners, I want to just thread a needle here. What you just described is for those of you who don’t know, Harry Hoopis and other members of his family are highly regarded as among the most successful insurance agents in a particular element or particular segment of the business.

The reason this is important, Jon, from my perspective is that our belief system … And you’re the one who has the technical background in this. Our belief system is that one of the things that makes content compelling in a professional setting, which by the way is different than me having a flat tire and needing to go on YouTube to figure out how to fix it, right? There’s a different urgency in that regard.

One of the biggest problems that has existed in the past is that if it was the marketing department with the best of intentions, or even the training department with the best of intentions, trying to do Phone Buddy, but you’re not Harry Hoopis. It’s Harry Hoopis, his expertise is the thing that really brings it to life and creates that magic. What we are saying, and our whole philosophy is based on, look, you have Harry Hoopis in the accounting department and you have Harry Hoopis in the sales organization and you have Harry Hoopis in different elements.

Our whole framework is, look, training departments, sales enablement, your job isn’t to be Harry Hoopis, if you use the acting metaphor, going back to your screen writing days, we’re saying that the job of sales enablement or training or sales execution, your job is to be a director like Francis Ford Coppola. Your job is to find the actors who can play those roles in The Godfather. You still have to have a skill set to be able to figure out who’s the right person who’s credible in this area?

Jon Tota (28:01):

A hundred percent. I think what you’re explaining is something that we built into Knowledgelink from the beginning. It’s interesting, it was originally called … And we weren’t very good at naming things back then, The Financial Services Training Portal. That was the original name, but the theory-

Mark Magnacca (28:19):

FNTP, right? FNTP.

Jon Tota (28:20):

Yes. Yeah. It was an excellent name. Yeah. The concept for it when we drew it all up was an aggregate model, that as an insurance agent, you would come in and you choose the companies, because like you know, in our business that you’re going to sell with three different companies.

Mark Magnacca (28:37):


Jon Tota (28:37):

What companies do you sell for? Which associations do you belong to? Which software products do you use? Then the system worked great. It came back and it would say, “Okay. Based on your profile, here’s all the content we would recommend from our different providers.” We built that back in 2002, when no one really had this idea of an aggregate model. Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough relationships in the industry back then to fill out that library. The technology was there, but the content buckets were empty.

We didn’t have enough of the content. The people we did have didn’t yet have their content in digital format. We were just a little too early. Then when I met-

Mark Magnacca (28:37):

A little early.

Jon Tota (29:20):

Yeah. Then I met Harry and his partner, Joey Davenport, who’s the president of Hoopis Performance Network. We met them at a LAMP conference. It goes back probably now like 2006, maybe 2007. Harry did have those relationships across the industry. He had the brand name. We already built the technology and we said, “Listen.” Exactly like you say, “You’re the expert. You guys are trainers.” Joey and Harry were expert trainers and they had that field expertise, but they weren’t the best in branding.

They weren’t the best in social media when that came and all the different stuff, or CRM. They really went out and said, “Okay. Well, we’re going to use our name and our connections and we’ll build that aggregate library inside of Knowledgelink.” Our original tagline didn’t last for very long, but you’ll appreciate this. It was from the field for the field. That was-

Mark Magnacca (30:18):

I love it. No. I mean, we could use that today, that exact tagline. What do you believe the next generation of learning solutions is going to become? What do you think will be different as we look back, say three years from now on what will happen over the next three years as it relates to how people learn at work?

Jon Tota (30:41):

I think the big change is going to be in the area of artificial intelligence, learning AI, because it’s so close. The technology’s there. As you know, we’re in the same industry, managers don’t need more work to do. They don’t need more … What we’ve created now with all of these platforms is they’re getting more training content coming in, more that they have to review, more that they have to give feedback on.

So this promise of a more intelligent learning platform that can start checking off some of the boxes for a manager, giving the feedback to users, moving them along that path and learning and getting better at it because of the data that’s been collected through the hundreds of thousands or millions of users that are coming through a platform. I think that’s going to be the big push forward. You think about this first wave of curation, which everyone’s excited about, is this ability for users to bring content into a platform.

I think that’s nice, but the machine-generated curation, the curation like you’re talking about where, because you read this book and you bought this, we think you might like these three things. To the point where your learning path can learn the way that you learn, the types of content that work better for you, Mark, versus me, and then start suggesting and giving you feedback without a manager having to do it manually.

That’s where I think we’ve got to go and that’s where I think the technology is there to some extent, but it needs a certain amount of data before it can be intelligent enough to make those recommendations. Technically is possible today in the platform where the platform is learning the way that you like to consume content, what media formats work for you versus me, the pace that I go through it, the giving feedback automated to some extent so the managers don’t have to keep logging in and moving you along that path.

To me, I think that is the future of all these learning platforms. So much now with LXP is about user-curated and generated content. I think that’s all well and good, but when we can get to this next level where there’s enough data in the platform that the machine learning can get to that next level and start making those recommendations, curating content for you because it knows how you learn differently than me, I think that’s our next wave.

Again, it’s probably two or three years down the road, not because the technology is not there, but there’s not enough data yet because it requires a certain amount of a data set so that it can start to recommend content. I think it’s to the point where you mentioned earlier that you go on Amazon and you just expect that if I read these three books, you know the next three to recommend to me.

Mark Magnacca (33:44):


Jon Tota (33:45):


Mark Magnacca (33:46):


Jon Tota (33:46):

That’s what we all expect.

Mark Magnacca (33:49):

By the way, that part of it is terrific, it really is. It does save time and there’s very few people that have that encyclopedic knowledge that they can know, this is the next book you should read based on those other two. In that context, the technology really is amazing. Then turns out, when you don’t have that AI, you just need a friend like Dave Will, who can do it manually.

Jon Tota (34:11):

Exactly. Yeah. There’ll always be a place for manual curation, right?

Mark Magnacca (34:15):

Jon, if people want to learn more about Syntax + Motion and learn a little bit more about what you’re doing and your podcast, by the way, what’s the best way for them to do that?

Jon Tota (34:26):

Yeah. Everything for me is on our show site, which is learninglifeshow.com. Learning Life with Jon Tota is the podcast show. It’s on all the major platforms so you can find it anywhere. We release a new episode every week, but learninglifeshow.com has our thought leadership, whitepapers, eBooks. We give away a lot of free online courses and all of our episodes are up there. Yeah. I think if you want to learn anything more about us, obviously I’m pretty active on LinkedIn.

That’s probably the best platform to find me on, but learninglifeshow.com and syntaxandmotion.com also. Yeah. I think the most entertaining place to follow me would be through Learning Life.

Mark Magnacca (35:16):

Well, and the best part about going to that website, you can also hear about some of the original content that Jon and his team are doing. I’m going to leave with that comment that we didn’t talk about it, but you need to check out some of the short-form content that they are creating, because it’s very compelling. If you want to hear about creative uses of audio that most people don’t think of, this’ll be a great place to start.

Jon, it’s always great to meet a kindred spirit like you, and especially be able to do it in this format of the podcast. Thanks for being part of this. I very much look forward to continuing our conversation.

Jon Tota (35:55):

Awesome. Thanks for having me, Mark. This was a lot of fun.

Narrator (35:58):

Thanks for joining us this week on Adapter’s Advantage, available on all major podcast platforms. Make sure you visit our website allego.com, or you can subscribe to our podcast so you’ll never miss an episode. If you liked this show, you might want to check out our virtual training kit to learn how to keep a remote team running at full speed. Go to allego.com/virtual to download your kit today. Be sure to tune in for our next episode. Don’t forget, one new idea can change your life.

Additional Episodes

For Your Role
For Your Industry
Webinar learning-and-development

Mastering Sales Skills: Strategies for Building and Evaluating Effective Development Rubrics

Webinar coach

The Transformative Power of Sales Coaching

Webinar learning-and-development

Develop and Retain a Top-Performing Sales Team

Report sales-enablement

How AI Is Shaping the Future of Revenue Enablement | Allego

eBook learning-and-development

9 Sales Leadership Strategies for Today’s Sales Manager


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E064: Ben Purton

Webinar sales-content-management

Unlock Consistent Sales Success by Mastering Measurement Fundamentals

eBook sales-enablement

The Complete Guide to Change Management

Webinar learning-and-development

Unlock Modern B2B Selling by Easing Buying Friction

Webinar learning-and-development

Traditional Onboarding No Longer Works: Onboarding Reimagined

Digital Sales Room (DSR)

Visit the Digital Sales Revolution DSR

Webinar learning-and-development

How to Adapt Your Training to the Demands of Modern Learners

Tool Kit sales-leader

Sales Success Playbook for Financial Services

Webinar sales-leader

Strategies for Proving ROI in Revenue Enablement

eBook marketing

How to Sell Sales Enablement Technology to the C-Suite

eBrief sales-enablement

Sales Success Playbook for Life Sciences

Webinar sales-leader

5 Drivers of Change and What They Mean for Your Sellers


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E063: Sam Richter

White Paper sales-enablement

The Strategic Advantage of an All-in-One Sales Enablement Suite

Digital Sales Room (DSR) sales-enablement

DIGITAL SALES ROOM: Allego for the Transportation Industry

Webinar sales-leader

Elevating B2B Sales: Strategic Insights for 2024 Success

eBook sales-leader

The Complete Guide to Sales Enablement ROI

Webinar sales-leader

Inspired Leadership: Empowering Teams in a Modern Era


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E062: Hannah Ajikawo

eBook sales-leader

The Sales Coaching Handbook

Webinar conversation-intelligence

How to Navigate AI in Sales Without Losing the Human Touch

eBook sales-leader

Mastering the Art of Modern Digital Selling

Webinar sales-enablement

Revenue Enablement Leadership in Times of Change: What You Need to Know


The Enablement Evolution: From Sales to Revenue


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E061: Alycia Anderson

Webinar sales-leader

Digital Sales Rooms Decoded: Shaping Impressions and Results


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E060: Mark Lonzo

Webinar marketing

3 Ways Marketers Bring Sales Content to Life with Digital Rooms

Webinar sales-leader

Elevate Your Sales Team: The 3 Essential Questions for 2024

Webinar conversation-intelligence

Revolutionize Sales Excellence with AI

Report sales-enablement

Allego Stands Alone: Forrester Wave™ for Sales Readiness Solutions

Webinar sales-leader

Accelerating Sales Cycles with Data-Driven Management Strategies


Modern Revenue Enablement: A New Approach to Win Sales and Grow Revenue

eBook sales-enablement

The Modern Revenue Enablement eBook

Webinar sales-leader

Two Ways to Supercharge Objection Handling for B2B Sales Teams

Webinar sales-enablement

Delivering AI-Powered Learning for Modern Buying Experiences Amid Shrinking Attention Spans

Webinar coach

Enabling Front Line Sales Managers: From Training to Coaching to Closing

Webinar sales-leader

Transform Buyer Relationships in the Era of Minimal Interaction

Webinar sales-leader

How Life Science Sales Teams Ensure Product Launch Success

Webinar sales-leader

How to Sell and Manage in Uncertain Times

Webinar sales-enablement

Enablement’s Time to Shine: How to Coordinate a Winning Revenue Team

Webinar sales-leader

Gone in 8 Seconds: Overcoming Buyers’ Shrinking Attention Span

Webinar conversation-intelligence

Moments to Momentum: How to Supercharge Sales Readiness with Conversation Intelligence

Webinar sales-content-management

How to Get Sellers to Use Marketing-Generated Content

Webinar sales-content-management

Sales-Marketing Alignment for Effective Content Creation and Adoption

Webinar marketing

How to Get Your Sellers to Adopt Marketing Content

Webinar sales-leader

Enabling the Front Line Sales Manager

Webinar sales-content-management

How to Captivate Today’s Buyers by Unleashing The Potential of Your Sales Content

Webinar sales-content-management

Driving Better Learning Outcomes With AI: Tips and Strategies for Success


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E059: Mark Schulman

Webinar sales-enablement

The Power of Collaborative Selling: Leveraging Personality to Build Stronger Revenue Teams

Webinar sales-enablement

From Silos to Success: How to Drive Sales Performance by Simplifying Your Enablement Tech Stack

Webinar sales-enablement

The Rise of AI-powered Learning: Strategies for Success

Webinar sales-enablement

From Silos to Success: Collaboration in Revenue Enablement

Checklist sales-leader

Revenue Growth Checklist: 6 Elements to Empower Sellers and Drive Sales

Webinar sales-enablement

The State of Sales Enablement in 2023

Webinar marketing

How To Get Your Sellers To Use Marketing-Generated Content

Webinar sales-leader

Why Digital Sales Rooms Are Key to The New Age of Buyer Enablement Selling in 2023 and Beyond

Webinar sales-content-management

Boost Sales Efficiency with this Sales Content Strategy

eBook sales-leader

Sales Leaders as Talent Developers

Webinar sales-enablement

Building Credibility in a Virtual Sales World

Webinar sales-enablement

The End of the Lone Wolf Seller


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E058: Joe Sabatino

Webinar sales-enablement

Collaborative Sales Enablement That Drives Adoption & Reduces Complexity

Webinar learning-and-development

The State of Sales Enablement ‘Ask Me Anything’ with Allego Co-Founders

Webinar marketing

Why Sellers Don’t Use Marketing-Generated Content & What To Do About It

eBook sales-leader

9 Sales Leadership Strategies for Today’s Sales Manager

Webinar learning-and-development

Bye Lone Wolves — How to Create and Maintain a Collaborative Sales Culture


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E057: Marilyn Pearson Hendricks

eBook sales-enablement

Essential Guide to Modern Sales Onboarding

Webinar learning-and-development

Training and Onboarding Made Simple and Scalable

Webinar sales-enablement

Sales Leaders as Talent Developers: Strategies for Success

Report sales-enablement

Selling Power Special Issue: Sales Success in a Turbulent World

Tool Kit sales-leader

The Sales Enablement Kit for Product Marketers

Webinar sales-enablement

How and Why European Companies are Simplifying Their Sales Enablement Tech Stack

Webinar sales-enablement

How to Elevate the Seller Experience Based on Unique Personalities

Checklist marketing

The Product Marketer’s Product Release Checklist

Webinar sales-enablement

New Research: The State of the Sales Tech Stack in 2023


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E056: Melissa Finnegan

Webinar marketing

New Research Reveals the Key to Motivating Sellers to Use Content

eBrief sales-content-management

Financial Services Guide: Sales and Marketing Content Compliance

Webinar sales-content-management

Effortless Enablement: Maximizing Sales Content Impact for Sellers

Webinar conversation-intelligence

6 Stand-Out Behaviors of Top Performing Sellers

Webinar sales-content-management

Convenient, Relevant and Effective: The Seller’s Content Dream

Webinar sales-enablement

Amplifying Success Before, During, and After a Sales Kickoff

Webinar marketing

The Next Level of Sales Enablement: Sales Content Management

Webinar sales-leader

Train Less. Sell More: Optimize Your Sales Teams for Success in 2023

Report sales-content-management

Getting Sellers Engaged Research Report

Infographic sales-trainer

Best Practices of Top-Performing Sales Reps


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E055: Emily Mason

Webinar sales-leader

Sell Smarter: How Intelligent Sales Automation Gives Teams a Competitive Edge

eBook sales-enablement

Product Marketer’s Guide to Sales Enablement

Report sales-leader

The Sales Call Research Report

Webinar sales-leader

Discover the Power of Self-Directed, Peer-Driven Sales Development

Webinar sales-leader

How to Win Deals in a Hybrid World: 5 Essential Virtual Selling Practices


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E054: Bill Harmon

Webinar sales-leader

How to Evolve Your Sales Team into High Performers

Webinar sales-content-management

How to Create Content that Sellers Use and Won’t Ignore

Webinar sales-content-management

Getting Sellers Engaged: Research Reveals What Motivates Sellers to Use Your Content

Webinar sales-leader

Demystifying AI-Guided Selling: What Every Sales Leader Should Know

Tool Kit sales-leader

The Sales Effectiveness Kit – How to Boost Sales Efficiency and Drive Results in a Downturn

eBook sales-leader

The Sales Efficiency Playbook

Webinar sales-leader

How to Deliver the Right Content at the Right Time

Webinar sales-leader

How to Replicate ‘A’ Players for Continued Sales Success

Report sales-enablement

Forrester Wave™ Sales Content Solutions 2022

Webinar sales-trainer

Stop Wasting Money on Training: How to Ramp and Retain Top Sales Talent

Webinar sales-leader

Create an Exceptional Buying Experience: New Strategies for B2B Sales

Webinar sales-leader

Simplifying AI-Powered Sales Enablement: What Every Sales Leader Should Know

Webinar sales-trainer

How to Activate Your Intent Data for Winning Sales Conversations

Webinar sales-trainer

Challenge Accepted: Transform Your Sales Team Into a Selling Powerhouse

eBook sales-leader

The Sales Video Report

Webinar sales-content-management

Right Content, Right Time: Debunking the 3 Biggest Sales Content Management Myths


The Manufacturing Sales Playbook


The Financial Services Sales Playbook


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E053: Ken and Nick Valla

Webinar sales-enablement

What You Need to Know About the New Virtual Sales Cycle

Webinar sales-enablement

How to Mobilize Marketing and Sales to Support Retention and Expansion

Webinar sales-leader

The Subtle Art of Empowering Sellers Through Content

Webinar sales-leader

How to Develop a Team of Sales Superstars

Webinar sales-leader

Future-proof Your Manufacturing Sales Engine


Demystifying Artificial Intelligence in Learning Technology


Digital Sales Transformation for Manufacturers

Webinar sales-leader

How to Power Up Prospecting During Challenging Times

Webinar sales-content-management

Agile Content Strategies to Win Both Your Buyers and Sellers

Webinar sales-trainer

Annual Sales Kickoff Meetings: Your Early Preparation Checklist

Webinar sales-trainer

How to Transform Struggling Sellers Into Top Performers Using AI-Powered Virtual Coaching

Webinar sales-leader

5 Essential Virtual Selling Practices Every Company Must Have by 2023


The Technology Sales Playbook


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E052: Cheri Lytle


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E051: Lori Richardson

Webinar sales-leader

Winning in Uncertain Times: How to Close ‘22 Strong and Boost Sales in ‘23


The Complete Guide to AI for B2B Sales

Webinar sales-leader

The Power of Microlearning in Onboarding and Training

Webinar sales-leader

How to Hit Your Team’s Number During Tough Economic Times

Case Study sales-enablement

Inspire Delivers Personalized Sales Training Using Allego

Case Study sales-enablement

ResMed Optimizes Onboarding with Data Using Allego

Case Study sales-enablement

Enovis Adapts to a Fast-Changing Environment Using Allego

Case Study sales-enablement

J&J Vision Turns Directed-Learning Into Learner-Driven Using Allego

Case Study sales-content-management

Corporate Visions Drives Content Engagement with Internal Teams and Clients Using Allego

Case Study conversation-intelligence

Strategic Financial Solutions Improves Productivity by 20% Using Allego Conversation Intelligence

Case Study sales-enablement

OneAmerica Masters Virtual Selling Using Allego

Webinar sales-leader

Ramp, Rinse, Repeat: Get Your Reps Ready at Warp Speed

Case Study sales-enablement

S&P Dow Jones Indices Customizes Sales Content Using Allego

eBook sales-content-management

The Manufacturer’s Guide to Sales Content Management

Checklist sales-content-management

4 Essential Sales Content Types Checklist

Webinar sales-leader

The Gift That Keeps on Giving: How to Enable Sellers with Content that Closes

Webinar sales-leader

Do More With Less – How to Drive Sales Efficiency & Effectiveness in a Recession

Webinar sales-trainer

5 Keys to Align Sales Training with How Salespeople Learn


Smarter Virtual Selling: 7 New Best Practices for Hybrid Sales Teams


[Checklist] 9 Steps to Personalization: Create a Customized Sales Process


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E050: Ryan Thompson


How to Transform Your Onboarding for Today’s Hybrid Workforce

Webinar sales-leader

Coaching the Intangible: Having The Right Mindset to Engage with your Ideal Prospects

Webinar sales-leader

Less Budget, No Problem! How to Raise the Readiness Bar in a Recession

Report sales-content-management

New Forrester Research: Agile Content Strategies Deliver Business Results and Drive Sales Adoption

Webinar sales-leader

How to Attract, Retain and Develop Top Sellers: Acuity for Strategic Sales Model

Webinar sales-leader

Give Buyers and Sellers What They Want: Customized, Convenient, and Comprehensive Experiences

Webinar sales-leader

5 Proven Ways CI Can Make You A Better Sales Leader

Webinar sales-leader

Enable, Win, Repeat: How to Scale your Success Strategy

Webinar sales-leader

How Conversational Intelligence is Automating Sales Management Insight

Webinar sales-leader

Sales Enablement: The Power to Unite Sales and Marketing

eBrief conversation-intelligence

How to Use Conversation Intelligence to Improve Financial Services Sales

eBrief conversation-intelligence

How to Use Conversation Intelligence to Improve High-Tech Sales

eBrief conversation-intelligence

How to Use Conversation Intelligence to Improve Life Science Sales


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E049: Todd Hartley

Webinar sales-trainer

5 Best Practices for Hybrid Sales Training

Tool Kit sales-enablement

Sales Enablement Kit | Do More With Less

eBook sales-enablement

Sales Learning in a Buyer’s World: Why Your Learning Management System Isn’t Enough

Webinar sales-leader

A Guide on Cold Call Coaching for Sales Leaders

Webinar sales-leader

How to Run an Effective 1-1 With Your Sales Reps

eBrief sales-content-management

3 Cs of Sales Content Measurement

Webinar sales-leader

Moving from an SMB to Mid Market Sales Strategy? The Biggest Things to Consider

Webinar sales-leader

Sales Enablement’s New Role in Driving the Revenue Team


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E048: Jon Ferrara

Webinar sales-leader

Selling to the C-Suite in a Shifting Landscape

Webinar sales-leader

Enablement Leader’s Guide to the 3 Macro Trends Shaping Sales and Buyer Enablement

Webinar sales-trainer

Evolve into a Sales Coaching Powerhouse for the Virtual Future

Webinar sales-leader

Sales Enablement’s Role in the Convergence of Marketing and Sales


The Manufacturer’s Guide to Sales Enablement

Webinar sales-leader

How to Build a Data-driven Sales Strategy: A Practical Guide for Turning Data into Revenue

Webinar sales-trainer

Cold Calling Masterclass

Webinar sales-trainer

The Six Deadly Negotiation Mistakes Killing your Sales Conversations

Webinar sales-leader

How to Measure Sales Content ROI–and Prove Its Impact

Webinar sales-trainer

5 Keys for Revamping Onboarding in the Era of Hybrid Work


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E047: Jennifer Stanley


How to Evaluate Sales Enablement Tools Checklist

Webinar sales-trainer

The New ABC’s for Sales Leaders: Always Be Coaching


How to Transform Your Onboarding for Today’s Hybrid Workforce


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E046: Brian Shortsleeve

Infographic sales-enablement

Benefits of Tech Stack Consolidation


Transform Your Sales Team Into a Selling Powerhouse with Microlearning and Personalized Coaching


From the Front Lines: One Seller’s Journey to Hybrid Financial Services Success

Infographic sales-leader

How Sales Enablement Generates Revenue


How On-the-Go Learning Transforms the Seller Experience


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E045: Tiffani Bova

Infographic sales-leader

The 2022 State of Sales Onboarding

Webinar sales-trainer

Remote, In-person, Hybrid: Navigate the New World of Onboarding


Maximizing User Adoption Checklist


Practice Makes Perfect: Making Learning Stick

Webinar sales-leader

Best Practices for Coaching and Promoting Your Top Reps


The State of Sales Onboarding Report


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E044: Michael F. Schein

Webinar sales-enablement

Sales Management in a Changing Labor Market: New Rules, New Tools

Webinar sales-enablement

Enablement, Not Noise: Giving Sellers the Content They Need to Close More Deals

Webinar sales-enablement

How a Data-Driven Sales Strategy Boosts Productivity and Deal Velocity by 5x

Webinar sales-enablement

Driving Sales Success with Video: How Video Changed Ash Brokerage’s Learning and Marketing Strategies Forever


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E043: Dan Smaida

Webinar sales-enablement

3 Timeless Tactics to Ensure Sales Success

Tool Kit sales-enablement

The Sales Success Kit for Financial Services

Tool Kit sales-enablement

The Sales Success Kit for High Tech


Women in Sales: 8 Experts Share Selling Advice

Webinar sales-trainer

Faster, Stronger, Better: Improving Sales Results with High-Impact Coaching

Webinar sales-enablement

From Rookie to Powerhouse: Transforming Sellers with Enablement

Webinar sales-content-management

The Art of Driving Deals Forward: How to Leverage the Right Content at the Right Time for Maximum Impact

eBook sales-enablement

The Complete Guide to Sales Enablement Intelligence


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E042: Benjamin Zander

Webinar sales-enablement

Respond to the Great Resignation with World-Class Sales Onboarding

Webinar sales-enablement

How to Coach your Team for Prospecting Success

Tool Kit sales-enablement

The Sales Success Kit

Webinar marketing

Closing the Great Divide: Building a Bridge Between Sales & Marketing

Webinar sales-enablement

Stop Meeting and Start Collaborating

Case Study sales-enablement

Tripadvisor’s Enablement Team Drives Sales and Marketing Alignment Using Allego

Case Study sales-enablement

Veritas Drives Adoption of Sales Content and Virtual Selling Using Allego

Webinar sales-trainer

Practice Makes Perfect: Making Learning Stick

Webinar sales-trainer

How Sellers REALLY Want to Learn


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E041: Tim Welsh


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E040: Rob Salafia

Webinar sales-enablement

Modern Sales Enablement Tools: Reinventing Field Training

eBrief sales-enablement

6 Buyer Engagement Strategies for B2B Sales Teams

Webinar sales-leader

(Results Are In!) What B2B Sales Leaders Really Think About Sales Enablement Tools

eBrief sales-content-management

Broken to Fixed in 90 Days: How to Simplify Sales Content Management

eBook sales-leader

How to Fix Your Sales Learning and Enablement in 2022

Webinar sales-leader

Reinforcing the Impact of Learning Events

Webinar sales-leader

Where Do We Go From Here? Best Practices for Leading Virtual Sales Teams


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E039: Gerhard Gschwandtner

Webinar sales-leader

The 2022 Guide to Intelligent Sales Enablement – Conversation Intelligence, Virtual Coaching, and Content Recommendations


How to Make the Most of Your Sales Kickoff

Webinar sales-leader

Create Sales Content That Sales Loves (& Actually Uses!)

Report sales-leader

The Sales Enablement Technology Report

Podcast sales-enablement

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E038: Terry Coutsolioutsos

Webinar sales-content-management

Reimagining the Sales Training Experience: How Agile Learning Improves Performance

Podcast sales-enablement

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E037: Marc McNamara

Webinar sales-leader

The State of Sales Enablement: Everything You Need to Know for 2022

Case Study sales-enablement

Baxter Sees Viral Adoption of Sales Content After Rolling Out Allego


Supercharge Your Sales Kickoff

Webinar sales-leader

How to Crush Channel Partner Sales in 2022


How to Fix Your Sales Learning & Enablement in 2022


How to Fix Your Sales Content Management in 2022


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E036: Kent Fitzpatrick


How to Effectively Manage and Activate your Sales Content

Webinar sales-trainer

How to Make Your 2022 Sales Kickoff Stick


Mastering Hybrid Learning

eBrief sales-leader

The Sales Conversation Intelligence Playbook

Webinar sales-trainer

Maintaining Collaboration in a Hybrid World: How Pharmacosmos Managed the Change to Virtual Onboarding and Collaboration

Webinar sales-trainer

Saving Time and Improving Results with Effective Onboarding


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E035: Mary Shea


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E034: Don Barden


Top 5 Things to Get Right as a New Sales Leader

Webinar sales-trainer

How to Navigate the New Sales Enablement Landscape in 2022

Webinar sales-trainer

How to Improve Cold Call Success Rates

eBook marketing

Tapping the Conversation Intelligence Goldmine eBrief

eBook sales-content-management

Sales Content that Closes: 5 Winning Content Strategies for Virtual Sales


13 Great Sales Discovery Questions


The Inside Sales Onboarding Framework

eBook sales-trainer

The Sales Coaching Handbook


Discovery Call Coaching Checklist

Webinar sales-trainer

In-Person, Then Virtual, Now Hybrid: Reinventing SKO’s and Sales Training, Again.


10 Ways to Stop Losing Winnable Deals

Webinar sales-trainer

How to Create Content That B2B Sellers Love (And Use)

Webinar sales-trainer

Training Salespeople to Thrive in Virtual Environments

Webinar sales-trainer

Understanding The State of Sales Enablement Technology

Case Study sales-enablement

AssetMark Sustains Collaboration In a Virtual World Using Allego

Webinar sales-trainer

Decision Enablement: Building Enablement that Actually Enables Buyer Decisions

Webinar sales-trainer

The Asynchronous Advantage: How to Keep Hybrid Teams on Track

Webinar sales-trainer

The Sales Employee Experience: Driving Learning and Collaboration for Best Results


50 Probing Questions for Sales Conversations


Survive and Thrive: The CRO Guide to Navigating the Pandemic


The 7 Pillars of Great Sales Conversations

eBook sales-leader

Winning with Virtual Sales

Webinar sales-trainer

Training Your Team to Engage Buyers and Win Deals in a Digital World


Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E033: Kate Holmes

Webinar sales-trainer

The Asynchronous Advantage: How to Communicate, Collaborate, and Capture Knowledge in a Hybrid World

Tool Kit sales-enablement

The All-In-One Revenue Enablement RFP Kit

Report sales-leader

The Sales Employee Experience: Driving Collaboration, Community, and Outcomes

eBook sales-enablement

How to Overcome 5 Top Sales Objections

Report sales-trainer

5 Findings from the Sales Coaching Survey

Webinar sales-trainer

How to Create Content Sales Will Love and Actually Use!

eBook sales-trainer

The SaaS Sales Coaching Blueprint

Checklist sales-enablement

Virtual Selling Skills Checklist

Case Study sales-enablement

Using Allego, AmeriSave Trains More New Hires, More Efficiently, With Dramatically Better Results

eBook sales-trainer

Essential Sales Manager Skills

Webinar sales-trainer

Dos and Don’ts of Discovery Calls

Podcast sales-leader

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E032: Mark Bowden


6 Sales Performance Metrics You Can Use Today

eBook sales-leader

The Hybrid Sales Kickoff Playbook

Webinar sales-trainer

A Marketer’s Guide to Creating Content Sales Will Love (and Actually Use!)

Webinar sales-trainer

Crowdsourcing Your Sales Method: How to Mine Best Practices from your Sales Team

Report sales-leader

Research Report: Who Owns Sales Enablement

Webinar sales-trainer

SES Experience: Sustaining Collaboration in a Virtual World

Webinar sales-trainer

ABCs of Insight-Led Selling

Webinar sales-trainer

Sales Hacker Panel: Mastering Virtual Selling – The Skills Your Team Needs for Success Today

Webinar sales-trainer

How to Fix Your Broken Virtual Onboarding and Training Programs


Are You Ready?: Best Practices for Mastering Virtual Selling in a Hybrid World

Webinar sales-leader

Sales Enablement Soiree: The Role of Technology in Maximizing Enablement

Podcast sales-leader

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E031: Daniel Perry

eBrief sales-leader

Sales Leader Playbook: 3 Ways to Enable a Hybrid Sales Team

Case Study sales-enablement

Lincoln Financial Improves Virtual Selling Skills With Allego

Webinar sales-trainer

DIGGER Blueprint for Motivating Sales Teams

Webinar sales-trainer

Outbound Prospecting Masterclass

Podcast sales-leader

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E030: Jon LoDuca

Webinar sales-leader

How to Scale Sales Coaching in a Hybrid Workplace

eBrief sales-enablement

Making It Count: How to Tie Sales Enablement to Business Outcomes

Podcast marketing

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E029: David Fialkow

Webinar sales-leader

Fostering & Sustaining a Healthy Culture in a Hybrid Workforce

Webinar sales-enablement

Digital Sales Rooms – A Virtual Tool Poised for Wide Adoption

Webinar sales-trainer

Where is your Sales Forecasting Going Wrong?

eBrief sales-enablement

The Financial Services Marketer’s Guide to Sales Enablement

eBrief sales-enablement

The New Virtual Selling Tech Stack


Problem Prospecting? How to Drive Pipeline

Infographic sales-leader

The Asynchronous Advantage: How to Keep Hybrid Sales Teams on Track

Video sales-enablement

Sales Enablement ROI: How to Measure and Maximize Revenue, Engagement and Results

Tool Kit sales-enablement

The Revenue Enablement ROI Kit

Webinar sales-leader

Getting Real About Sales Coaching: Provide Real Help for Real Conversations in Real Time – Even When Managers Can’t or Won’t

Webinar sales-enablement

Sales Enablement ROI: How to Measure and Maximize Revenue, Engagement and Results

eBrief sales-leader

Mastering Virtual Selling: Orchestrating Sales Success – Overview

Webinar sales-trainer

Training Your Team to Engage Buyers and Win Deals in a Digital World

Webinar sales-enablement

The Product Marketer’s Guide to Creating Content Sales Will Love (and Actually Use!)

eBook sales-enablement

Leading and Coaching at Scale in a Remote World


How to Turn Prospects into Long-Term Customers

Webinar sales-enablement

AMA: Activating Sellers with Better Sales Content

Webinar sales-trainer

How to Transform Training with Conversation Intelligence Technology

Webinar sales-leader

2021 State of Conversation Intelligence

Webinar sales-leader

Asynchro-whaaaatt?? The Communication Hack that Transforms the Way Your Team Sells

Webinar sales-enablement

Sales Enablement ROI: How to Measure and Maximize Revenue, Engagement and Results

Podcast marketing

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E027: Michael Antonorsi

eBrief sales-enablement

The ABCs of Digital Sales Rooms: How to Create the Virtual Sales Experience Buyers Crave

Webinar sales-leader

Leading and Coaching at Scale in a Remote Work World

eBook conversation-intelligence

The Complete Guide to Conversation Intelligence: How to Understand Rep Performance and Enable a Winning Team

eBook sales-enablement

The CMO’s Guide to Sales Enablement: How to Align with Sales and Accelerate Growth

Video sales-enablement

How to Drive Value for Customers

Podcast sales-leader

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E026: Erica Feidner

Webinar sales-leader

Don’t Wait: How to Capture Veteran Know-How and Drive Expert Knowledge Sharing

Podcast sales-leader

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E025: Mark Caner

Webinar sales-leader

Mastering Virtual Selling: How to Orchestrate Sales Success in a Hybrid World

Webinar sales-leader

2021 State of Virtual Sales Coaching: 5 Tips to Help You Adapt this Quarter

Webinar sales-leader

Asynchro-whatttt??? The Communication Hack that Transforms the Way Your Team Sells

Webinar sales-trainer

AI-powered Approaches to Onboarding and Coaching

Webinar sales-leader

How New Cognitive Technologies Will Guide Sales Training and Enablement

Webinar sales-leader

How to Use Rep-Centric Sales Enablement to Future-Proof Your Revenue Engine

Webinar sales-trainer

Ensure a Fast, Seamless Virtual Product Launch: Finding Sales Success in a Remote World

Webinar sales-trainer

Accelerating the Ramp-Up Time of Sales Reps in a Hybrid-World

Webinar sales-leader

Virtual Sales Coaching 2.0: How Time-Shifted Video and AI are Changing the Game

Webinar sales-trainer

Product Demo: How to Put Your Team at the Center of Your Virtual Training Program

Webinar sales-leader

The Continuous Learning Framework: How to Keep Your Sales Team ahead of the Game

Webinar sales-leader

New Research & Insights on Making the Sales and Marketing Relationship More Effective

Report sales-leader

The Asynchronous Advantage: How to Keep Hybrid Sales Teams on Track

Webinar sales-enablement

The State of Virtual Sales Coaching: 5 Tips to Help You Adapt this Quarter

Podcast sales-leader

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E024: Mike Kunkle

Webinar sales-leader

Needed More, Delivered Less: How to Fix Sales Coaching in a Virtual World

Webinar sales-enablement

Sales Enablement Evolved: Why the Next Era of Revenue Growth Depends on a Rep-Centric Strategy

eBook sales-content-management

The Complete Guide to Sales Content Management

Podcast sales-leader

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E023: Colleen Francis

Video sales-trainer

Why Peer-to-Peer Knowledge Sharing Is Important

eBook sales-enablement

Sales Enablement Evolved: How Rep-Centric Technology is Unlocking Sales Potential

Video sales-trainer

Smart Selling Tools – Nancy Nardin Reviews Allego

Video sales-trainer

Why Sales Coaching Is Important

Podcast sales-leader

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E022: Rhomes Aur

eBrief sales-enablement

Powering Up Life Sciences: How to Activate Sales Reps with Better Content

Webinar sales-enablement

How to Measure and Improve Sales Content ROI

Webinar sales-enablement

Content That Works: How to Activate Sellers with Better Sales Content

eBrief sales-enablement

Powering Up High Tech: How to Activate Sellers with Better Sales Content

eBrief sales-enablement

Powering Up Financial Services: How to Activate Client-Facing Teams with Better Sales Content


What is Allego?

Video sales-trainer

How to Maximize the Business Impact of Sales Coaching: Chester Liu, VP of Growth, Allego

Webinar sales-leader

Beat the Brain Drain: Learn How to Clone Your Top Performers (Without a Lab)

Report sales-trainer

Virtual Sales Coaching Report: How Sales Training Has Changed

eBrief sales-enablement

Powering Up: How to Activate Sellers with Better Sales Content

Webinar sales-leader

Building the Dream Team: How to Create High-Performing Sellers and Accelerate Growth

Podcast sales-leader

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E021: Harry Hoopis

Webinar sales-enablement

Scaling Sales Enablement: How to Kick Sales Into High Gear

Webinar sales-trainer

Post-Pandemic Sales Training for Life Sciences Professionals: How to Unlock Better Performance in Your Virtual Sales Force

Podcast sales-leader

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E020: David Bauders

Webinar sales-trainer

Perfecting the Pitch: How to Speed Up Training to Meet Commercial Objectives

Webinar sales-enablement

How to Overcome the Top 3 Challenges of Sales Content Management

eBook sales-enablement

The Ultimate Guide to Scaling Sales Enablement for Virtual Sales Teams

Podcast learning-and-development

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E019: Jesse Jackson

Checklist sales-enablement

Sales Enablement Tech Stack Checklist

Webinar sales-enablement

Product Demo: Rapid Content Creation and Rollout for Virtual Teams

Podcast sales-trainer

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E018: Elyse Archer

eBook sales-enablement

The New Sales Enablement Tech Stack

Podcast sales-leader

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E017: Frank Cespedes

Podcast sales-leader

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E016: Jeff Duckworth

eBrief sales-enablement

The Marketer’s Guide to Sales Enablement

Video sales-leader

How to Run a Virtual Sales Kickoff: George Donovan, CRO, Allego

eBook sales-enablement

The Future is Here: Learning Strategy 2021

Podcast sales-leader

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E015: Jon Tota

Webinar marketing

Tools & Techniques To Break Through Sales and Marketing Silos

Podcast sales-leader

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E014: Tim Riesterer

Webinar sales-leader

Virtual Sales Management: How to Lead and Succeed in 2021

Webinar sales-enablement

Sales Enablement for the “New Normal”: 2021 and Beyond

Webinar marketing

Re-Thinking the National Sales Meeting: How to Run a Virtual Kickoff During a Pandemic

Webinar sales-enablement

Product Demo: How to Overcome 8 Common Challenges of Virtual Selling

Webinar sales-enablement

Essential Sales Enablement: How to Prepare for 2021

Podcast marketing

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E013: Jay Webb

Webinar sales-leader

The Secret to Becoming a Better Remote Coach

Checklist sales-enablement

Virtual National Sales Meeting Checklist

Checklist sales-enablement

Virtual Sales Enablement Checklist

eBook sales-leader

Re-Thinking the National Sales Meeting

eBook sales-enablement

Demystifying Sales Enablement: How to Plan for the Next Normal

Podcast learning-and-development

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E012: Dustin Megill

Video sales-enablement

Allego Leadership Interview Series: President and Founder Colleen Stanley

Video learning-and-development

Allego Leadership Interview Series: Megan Raphoon, Quicken Loans

Webinar learning-and-development

Everything has Changed. Has Your Learning Strategy?

Webinar sales-enablement

How to Overcome the 8 Challenges of Virtual Selling

Podcast sales-enablement

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E011: Courtney Ness

Webinar sales-enablement

The New Future of Sales Enablement: The Trends You Need to Know to Keep Your Sales Engine Running

Video sales-leader

Allego Leadership Interview Series: CEO Rob Salafia

Quiz sales-enablement

Are You Ready for Virtual Selling?

eBrief sales-enablement

How to Master 8 Challenges of Virtual Selling

Checklist sales-enablement

Virtual Selling Checklist

Podcast sales-leader

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E010: Pat D’Amico

Tool Kit sales-enablement

The Virtual Selling Success Kit

Webinar sales-enablement

How to Align Sales and Marketing to Maximize Virtual Sales Success – On-Demand Webinar

Podcast learning-and-development

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E09: Josh Bersin

Podcast sales-enablement

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E08: Mark Jeffries

eBook sales-enablement

The Essential Guide to Virtual Selling

Podcast sales-leader

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E07: Pat Berges

Podcast sales-leader

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E06: Tim Murray

Podcast sales-enablement

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E05: Ami Tully Lotka

Report learning-and-development

Pandemic Perspective: What WFH Survey Findings Reveal About the Future of Work

Podcast sales-leader

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E04: Tony Jeary

Podcast sales-enablement

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E03: Colleen Stanley

eBook learning-and-development

6 Priorities of a Modern CLO

Podcast sales-enablement

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E02: Mike McGlothlin

Podcast learning-and-development

Adapter’s Advantage Podcast S01E01: Adam Scully-Power

Video sales-leader

Allego Leadership Interview Series: George Donovan, CRO, Allego

Webinar sales-enablement

Progressing the Pipeline: How to Enable Virtual Sales Training at Scale

eBrief sales-enablement

How Readiness Technology Can Help You Enable a Virtual Sales Team: 8 Tactics

eBrief sales-leader

How to Build a Business Case for Workforce Readiness Technology

Tool Kit sales-enablement

The Virtual Training Quick-Launch Kit

eBook sales-enablement

4 Ways to Manage a High-Performing Team … Virtually

Webinar sales-enablement

For Sellers, By Sellers: The Power of Personalization in Sales – On-Demand Webinar

Webinar sales-enablement

How to Reassure Client-Facing Teams in Turbulent Times – On-Demand Webinar

Infographic sales-enablement

How to Measure the Impact of Your Sales Training

Webinar sales-trainer

You Had to Cancel In-Person Training…Now What?

Video sales-enablement

ROI Video Series, Part 4: How to Use Sales Training Technology to Boost Employee Engagement

Video sales-enablement

ROI Video Series, Part 3: How to Improve Sales Training and Reduce Risk

Video sales-enablement

ROI Video Series, Part 2: How to Cut Costs Without Sacrificing Quality

Video sales-enablement

ROI Video Series, Part 1: Proving the Value of Your Sales Training Program

Video sales-enablement

Forrester Interview: Accelerating Sales Productivity

Webinar sales-enablement

See it, Do it: How to Drive Sales Results with Observational Learning – On-Demand Webinar

eBook sales-leader

Assessing Sales Rep Competency Before It Affects Results

eBrief sales-trainer

How to Use Sales Training Technology to Boost Employee Engagement

eBrief sales-trainer

How to Improve Sales Training and Reduce Risk

eBrief sales-enablement

How to Cut Costs Without Sacrificing Quality

eBook sales-trainer

Proving the Value of Your Sales Training Program

White Paper sales-trainer

The Sales Training System with 5 Stages of Sales Mastery and Behavior Change

Product Sheet learning-and-development

Agile Leadership Development Solution Brief

Product Sheet learning-and-development

Enterprise Learning Overview

eBrief sales-trainer

Medical Device Industry Brief

eBrief sales-leader

High Tech Industry Brief

eBook sales-leader

Asset Management Industry Brief

eBook sales-leader

Wealth Management Industry Brief

Webinar sales-enablement

“Something to Talk About” – How Agile Learning Powers Trusted Conversations for Wholesalers and Advisors

eBook sales-content-management

How Agile Sales Enablement and Readiness Boost Performance: 2023 Guide

eBook sales-enablement

Your Ultimate ROI: How to Master Growth with Sales Readiness Success

Webinar sales-leader

For Sellers By Sellers: The Keys to Q4 Sales Success

Tool Kit sales-enablement

Agile Learning for High Tech – Tool Kit

Tool Kit sales-enablement

Agile Learning for Life Sciences – Tool Kit

Tool Kit sales-enablement

Agile Learning for Asset Management – Tool Kit

Tool Kit sales-enablement

Agile Learning for Wealth Management – Tool Kit

Webinar sales-enablement

The Agile Sales Framework: How Activity-Based Selling Is Improving Sales Productivity

Product Sheet sales-trainer

How to Evaluate Modern Learning Platforms

eBook sales-enablement

Six Vital Questions for Evaluating Sales Learning Success

Report sales-enablement

SS&C Report: The Use of Sales Enablement Technologies by Asset Managers


The Power of Video


Yuchun Lee On Modern Learning for Sales


How Allego Works

Case Study sales-enablement

Abbott Laboratories Drives Higher Engagement using Allego

Case Study sales-trainer

Global Atlantic Improves Sales Training Efficiency with Mobile Video Coaching


5 Recommendations to Improve Sales Coaching

eBook sales-enablement

Blueprint for Pharmaceutical Sales Certification

eBook sales-trainer

The State of Sales Coaching

Case Study sales-trainer

Metagenics Moves to Allego to Improve Proficiency of Sales Representatives and Increase Sales

Case Study sales-enablement

John Hancock Investment Retirement Refreshes Sales Onboarding

Case Study sales-enablement

Nuveen Increases Sales Knowledge and Effectiveness by Adopting Allego

Video sales-enablement

About Face Allego Customer Story

Video sales-leader

Nuveen Customer Story – Rollout Process

Video sales-enablement

Nuveen Allego Customer Story


Allego Platform: Enterprise Architecture


The Power of Video – Allego Technology

Video sales-leader

New Hire Onboarding – Apptio


Red Hat Allego Customer Story


Why Clarabridge Uses Allego

Case Study sales-enablement

Ash Brokerage Develops a More Consistent Onboarding Experience

Case Study learning-and-development

Allego Fortifies Compliance in the Financial Services Industry

Product Sheet

Collaborative Sales Learning Platform Overview


BNY Mellon’s User-Generated Sales Learning Content


John Hancock Using Flash Drills

White Paper

The Sales Training System by SPARXiQ + Allego

Case Study sales-enablement

Video Collaboration: An Antidote to Email Overload


Mobile Video-Empowered Onboarding


The Fractured State of Enterprise Sales Enablement and Training


Bridging the Gap: Sales Learning Preferences

Webinar sales-enablement

Harnessing Mobile Video to Certify Learning Outcomes – On-Demand Webinar

Case Study sales-trainer

Global Therapeutic Device Maker Boosts Quota Attainment with Allego

Case Study sales-enablement

How Allego Grew Sales 5,401% in Three Years

Webinar marketing

The single BIGGEST mistake sales and marketing leaders make with Pharma reps – On-Demand Webinar

Webinar sales-enablement

10 Building Blocks of Sales Enablement (and a Look to the Future)

Webinar sales-enablement

Webinar : Assessing Sales Rep Competency Before It Affects Results

White Paper sales-trainer

Blueprint for Sales Certification

eBook sales-enablement

4 Ways to Quantify The ROI of Sales Training Technology

Case Study sales-trainer

Mobile Video Sales Certifications Open Doors for Pharmaceutical Companies

Case Study sales-trainer

Global workforce management organization optimizes sales productivity, brand consistency and shared learning


Allego Compliance

Product Sheet

A marketer’s guide to Allego

Product Sheet sales-enablement

Blueprint for M&A integration

Video sales-enablement

Ideas for Creating Great Content on Allego